Monday, February 14, 2011

Matsumoto Brings home a Grammy

                    Takahiro Matsumoto and 2 other Japanese born musicians brought home Grammy's over the weekend showing that not just the United States can export award winning music. Joining Matsumoto in the winner's circle was classical pianist Mitsuko Uchida and jazz pianist Hiromi Uehara who won the award for best instrumental solist peformance with orchestra and best contemporary jazz album respectively.
                    Matsumoto was part of the popular Japanese rock duo B'z which was inducted into Hollywood's Rock Walk in 2007 for their contribution to the music world. Matsumoto, who was taken aback by the award, later confessed that "the Grammy's was one of my dreams and a big goal."
                   This instance is a type of reverse cultural imperialism. Even though Japan isn't a lesser developed country, being in the top five of all world economies, it still isn't know for it's music outside of its country. Unlike the United States which exports its music and in turn its culture worldwide, most countries' artists are relegated to their home turn when it comes to audience. While the US still dominates the music market both domestic and abroad, it's nice to see that performers from other countries can gain recognition and take home awards like a Grammy.

The Japan Times

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